The third part of our daily fellowship comes right after our sharing of our morning mocha – and should be the beginning of every couple’s perfect day. Prayer – together – always!
Many couples with whom we are acquainted do a morning prayer time, but too many of them pray apart from one another, not together. My sweetheart leads our morning prayer and I chime in as I am led to pray for a particular individual or circumstance. Pray for your children, pray for your parents, pray for your siblings, pray for your community, pray for your church family, pray for your pastor, pray for your co-workers, pray for your neighbors, pray for our nation and the leaders of our nation. Pray for the gospel to reach all the peoples of the Earth. This fellowship opportunity not only keeps you in “prayer mode,” but it helps you to each know what is on the heart of the other. It is a sharing of lives and time that is essential to a strong Christian marriage relationship.
A couple should begin this activity during their courtship by finding a time, whether it be following a meal together or in the car as he drives her home from a “date” to pray together for whatever happens to be on each of their hearts at the time. The practice of praying together is not limited to post-marriage fellowship time. It is a lifelong habit that should be developed early on in a relationship between a man and a woman – whether they are young or older.
God desires for us to be in the habit of praying for one another. Make it a priority!