YANKS – Copyright 1918 – FOREWORD
The verses that make up this little book have all been published in THE STARS AND STRIPES, the official newspaper of the American Expeditionary Forces. They have come in from the field, the back areas, the ports; they have been written on the eve of battle; the men who wrote some of them have paid the great price. They are the heart and soul of the American Army in France. It is their only claim to distinction. It is enough.
When this amazing little book came to us from a relative nearly 15 years ago, we didn’t really realize what a treasure it is!

This type of literature is hard to come by. As you can see, the pages are extraordinarily fragile. The booklet measures 7 1/2″ by 4 3/4″.
Some of the authors are named, some are just initials, some have no name attached to them. In my next post, I will include a list of the poem titles and authors.
A few of these “works” are not suitable for a “mixed audience,” so we will not include them here, this being a Christian site and blog.