Out of the Fog© – John 20:31

Although this photo was not taken in the “holy land,” this landscape in Utah seemed to me to represent what that area might have looked like at certain times of the year. Christmas is coming. Because my youngest son was born on December 16 (he was due on the 23rd), for the past 37 years, it has been hard for me to “get into” Christmas preparations until after his birthday on December 16. Christmas is, indeed, coming!

I am so awed by the fact that Jesus was “proclaimed” in the Old Testament so many times. Although I was raised in the church, I never knew until adulthood that the events in Jesus’ life were already made known throughout the Old Testament, long before He came to Earth to save us.

“O Love that wilt not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee …”
George Matheson

©Selkirk Mountain Inspiration 1